Turkey 2021 host of the international meeting of active educational methodologies

Unimel Educación will participate in the European meeting within the Erasmus+ program «Giving Life Skills» together with different representatives from different countries, which will be held in Turkey during the month of September.


«Who does not risk does not win», this statement is quite close to reality, especially if we relate it to the scientific studies that have been carried out in recent years on the benefits of the game and active methodologies.

This meeting is related to sport, an activity that is very important for human beings, especially during youth, in order to acquire a good habit of life and health at an early age and maintain it over time.

Sport provides endless benefits at a corporal, psychic and socioemotional level. Among the physical benefits, we can mention that it prevents obesity, improves circulation and respiratory capacity, develops muscles, and avoids sedentary lifestyles, a major problem among children and young people today, which has been accentuated by the confinement caused by the pandemic.
As for the psychological side, sport provides a sensation of pleasure and well-being through the release of endorphins, which extrapolates to all facets of life. In the same way, it regulates sleep allowing a better rest, which will lead to greater productivity. It also has calming effects and is antidepressant, a disorder that occurs with some frequency at this stage of life.

Likewise, according to the director of the Mr. Peker program, at a socio-affective level, it is highly appreciable in group sports, which improves social skills, promotes values such as unity, trust, respect, solidarity, and good behavior among equals. It also teaches to assume responsibilities, to comply with rules, to know that you do not always win and that to achieve success you have to make an effort and remain constant. And it contributes to the improvement of self-esteem, which is crucial at this stage of life.

While academic training is very important in young people, the practice of sports and the achievements obtained in it, generates great satisfaction and help them to improve their overall health. This practice, if maintained over time together with a good and healthy nutrition, will lead them to an optimal growth and to the prevention of a number of diseases in the future, which will improve their quality of life.


This European project has the collaboration of prestigious institutions of the Valencian community as València Turisme, Villarreal CF or CEU University.


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